Thursday 4 December 2008

Evaluation and Reflection

CE Paradox

Evaluation and Reflection

After reading and responding to Laszlo’s post titled CE Paradox published on 2nd December, I thought that I would post my original response to him here and write a few more thoughts that came to mind. (

This was my response:
‘Dear Laszlo,
I really enjoyed reading your post. I read it again, and again, and again. You raised a very important question. ‘So we are here, but what next?’
The directions of CE will be determend on the clarity and focus we are prepared to invest in creating its future. Clarity is power. We know this from our work when we facilitate in a conductive way. Just when we look at how CE works at its best, what do we need for that? Amongst many other things we need a unified team who believes in, manifests and carries the same highest level of standards, with a clear outcome in mind. Wishing and hoping will not take us there. Do we want it badly enough to make us move and create such a team? Do we really want to have a professional body, which is prepared to publish the basic core values, standards and structures that would truly represent Conductive Education?
We need more brave, talented and diligent people in the here and now to deal with this paradox and to help all of those who are trying to work with CE in different settings. If we really wanted to be taken seriously I think it is about time that we created something valuable for all of us and for the future generation to come.
Once hearts and minds meet it will be done.’

The way I believe we can reasonably decide what we want in the future and how we will get there is to first know where we are right now and what our level of satisfaction is for where we are. So first it would be a good idea to take some time and think through and write down our current situation regarding the issues related to the definition, quality and standards of Conductive Education. Then ask this question on each key point - is that okay?
The purpose of this evaluation is twofold. First, it would give us an objective way to look at the accomplishments; secondly, it is to show us where we are now so we can determine where we need to go. In other words, it would give us a baseline which to work from.

The team which would take upon this task would have to share the same vision and goals that are born out of each members own heart and mind.
Is there anyone out there who wants to be part of such a team?


Laszlo said...

Dear Judit,
I thought your voice was so important that I made it apperent and further comment was placed in my blog. Laszlo

Judit Szathmáry said...

Thank You Laszlo. I really appreciate and welcome all your comments. I wish there was more of us sharing and communicating. I posted a response on your blog.
Kind Wishes, Judit