Sunday 15 March 2009

Whites Hill College Newsletter… Xavier.

"At present Xavier staff and parents are in full swing of the Individual Education Plan process. Thank you to everyone for being flexible at this time as the important process of setting goals for students is completed. There will be a performance in the Whites Hill hall on Tuesday called “Shake Up”. All students from Year one upwards will be attending. This promises to be a fun and exciting way to introduce Shakespeare!
On Wednesday last week we hosted 9 Japanese student teachers. They enjoyed a tour of the school, participated briefly in our programs and dressed in their traditional costume to sing for the students. It is
always good to continue to spread the news about Conductive Education and the possibilities for our students with physical and multiple impairments within this philosophy. These student teachers (some just
about to finish their training) were very interested in the philosophy and asked many questions about the students and how we meet their needs.
There will be a program of activities for Harmony week commencing on Monday, March 16th. Look out for further information in communication books or letters.
The “Creativity” focus this term has proved a great success with all students as they have actively participated in many activities to promote their
understanding of the curriculum and their hand function skills! The foyer and classrooms at Xavier have many examples of how creativity and
independence can produce products well worth viewing. Thank you to the students for such great concentration and attention!
Mrs Annette Demack
Head of Xavier (Acting)"
March 2009, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

On the photo from right to left some of the original team of beautiful and determined woman … first Betty Sharry, second Annette Demack, fourth Jody Florance.

With Love, Judit
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